Balancing Notions of Equity: Trade-offs Between Fair Portfolio Sizes and Achievable Guarantees
Published in SODA 2025 (Accepted), with Swati Gupta and Mohit Singh.
Published in SODA 2025 (Accepted), with Swati Gupta and Mohit Singh.
Published in Economics and Computation (EC), with Swati Gupta and Mohit Singh.
Published in arXiv, with Majid Farhadi, Prasad Tetali, and Alejandro Toriello.
Published in NeurIPS, with Hasan Mortagy and Swati Gupta.
Published in arXiv, with Philip C. Lotshaw, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta.
Published in Quantum, with Reuben Tate, Bryan Gard, Greg Mohler, and Swati Gupta.
Published in Physical Review A, with Joel Rajakumar, Bryan Gard, Swati Gupta, and Creston D. Herold.
Published in The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics, with A. Dileep and Amitabha Tripathi.
Published in Graphs and Combinatorics, with A. Dileep and Amitabha Tripathi.
Published in Discrete Applied Mathematics, with Aditya Sahdev and Amitabha Tripathi.